Thyroid Helper 90 Caps
    Thyroid Helper 90 Caps
    Thyroid Helper
    Thyroid Helper
    Thyroid Helper
    Thyroid Helper

    Thyroid Helper


    Metabolism and Energy Support*

    Improve energy, motivation, and metabolism, naturally! Thyroid Helper contains five essential nutrients for healthy thyroid function and the activation of thyroid hormone. Give your thyroid the right nutrients and feel better!*

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    Thyroid Helper contains key nutrients for healthy thyroid function and the natural activation of thyroid hormone. Naturally improve your energy, motivation, and metabolism.*

    Jump start your energy, metabolism, and mood with thyroid nutrients.*

    • Support metabolism and weight management*
    • Increase energy, especially afternoon energy*
    • Boost motivation, mood, and mental energy*
    • Safe and effective nutrients for thyroid health*
    • Hormone-free and stimulant-free

    Thyroid Helper® has been used by tens of thousands of happy customers since 2001. It contains key nutrients that safely and naturally work in your metabolism to help promote the normal function of thyroid hormone in your body.*

    By nourishing the formation and activation of thyroid hormone you will be amazed how much better you feel. There is no need to struggle with hibernating metabolism, a dull and heavy head, feeling too cold, or too much fatigue. Thyroid Helper® was designed and tested in clinical practice and based on advanced nutritional science and helping many people who were struggling with thyroid-related health concerns. Thyroid Helper is our top thyroid supplement and the best thyroid supplement on the market.*

    • No animal glandular, hormones, or stimulants.
    • Contains selenium, manganese, and L-Tyrosine in therapeutic amounts.*
    • Standardized herbs that help to normalize healthy thyroid function.*
    • We list exactly what is in the product on the label. We don't hide ingredient amounts in a "proprietary blend".
    • All natural ingredients! No additives, flavoring, or coloring.
    • Highly absorbable forms of nutrients in cellulose (vegetarian) capsules.

    Thyroid Helper® sets the gold standard for natural thyroid support. We are flattered that other companies try to copy our time-tested formulation; it obviously works. Before describing the details of the nutrients in Thyroid Helper® and how they work, first we will tell you what is not in Thyroid Helper®.

    • There are no animal glandulars in Thyroid Helper® or any Wellness Resources supplement. We do not consider animal glandulars safe to take especially for individuals with multiple health concerns. The concern is that if you are taking some form of thyroid animal gland extract then you are running the risk of your immune system adversely reacting to foreign animal tissue which may provoke an autoimmune reaction. Animal glands also contain residues of every pollutant the animal was exposed to, and thyroid tissue is susceptible to accumulation of numerous toxins.
    • Thyroid Helper® does not contain herbal stimulants. Common herbal stimulants are bitter orange, yohimbine, or khat. Some products rely on caffeinated herbs such as guarana, kola nut, or green tea. We are not against some caffeine; you can easily control your intake in coffee or tea you may consume. However, taking an herbal stimulant dietary supplement for weight loss or thyroid support may actually make thyroid problems worse by revving up nerves too much.
    • There is no potassium iodide in Thyroid Helper®. This cheap salt of iodine is very hard for your body to use and may clog thyroid function if consumed in high amounts. Iodine is important, but we only recommend the unique water soluble liquid form known as Iosol Iodine, which works great with Thyroid Helper®.
    • Most importantly, there is no excessive price mark-up in Thyroid Helper®. We are sure we could sell Thyroid Helper® in an infomercial or through inflated health professional networks; you would just need to pay three times the current price to cover the advertising and marketing expense. We keep our costs down by selling real quality directly to you.

    Thyroid Helper® is a truly innovative nutritional supplement and blends nicely with other Wellness Resources supplements that naturally support healthy metabolism (such as Iosol Iodine and Daily Energy Multiple Vitamin - see the Thyroid Energy Package).

    Thyroid Helper® works by enhancing the formation of thyroid hormone, protecting the thyroid gland and liver so they can more efficiently produce and activate thyroid hormone, and making it easier for your body to increase its production of biologically active thyroid hormone (T3).* The nutrients in Thyroid Helper® also support weight management and cholesterol fitness, topics that are typically important to most people struggling to maintain healthy thyroid function.*

    Thyroid Helper® may be used along with your thyroid medication as it will simply help the medication work better within the tissues. Thyroid Helper® is not replacement thyroid hormone, rather it provides nutrients that improve the conversion of basic thyroid hormone (T4) to active thyroid hormone (T3), along with improving the transport and absorption of activated thyroid hormone into cell tissues to turn on metabolism. Each of these mechanisms requires proper nourishment in order to adequately function. Thyroid Helper® provides that nourishment. View more information about Thyroid and Metabolism.*

    Millions Struggle with Low Thyroid Function

    Thyroid function is weakened by stress, pollution, poor lifestyle, bad eating habits, and a history of yo-yo dieting. It is now proven that various nutrients directly support the healthy structure of the thyroid gland, the formation of thyroid hormone, and the activation of thyroid hormone throughout the body. These are all normal and natural functions that need to be properly maintained to support health.*

    New science is showing that free radical problems stress thyroid hormone function, especially when there are deficiencies of selenium and manganese containing antioxidant enzymes. If these nutritional deficiencies are not corrected a person is much more likely to struggle with body weight, blood sugar function, and poor metabolism.* 

    Sluggish thyroid hormone function is common, a different issue than medical thyroid problems such as hypothyroidism. Many individuals have symptoms of slow metabolism, including low body temperature, fatigue, weight gain, trouble losing weight and keeping it off, constipation, poor mood, heavy head, dry skin, and energy problems in the afternoon. Thyroid Helper® offers significant nutritional support to help maintain the normal function of thyroid hormone. A considerable amount of exciting new science helps to explain why Thyroid Helper® is such a popular supplement.*

    How Thyroid Helper® Works

    A main reason why you may have the symptoms of low thyroid function is a lack of nutrients that are vital for the normal function of thyroid hormone. Nutrient deficiencies place a major stress on the thyroid gland itself, helping to lock in sluggish and inefficient metabolism of calories. Various nutrients are needed to form thyroid hormone, activate thyroid hormone, and protect the thyroid and liver during this process.*

    We have tried to make this easy for people by designing nutritional supplements that provide the most needed nutrients. Thyroid Helper® is our top thyroid support supplement. It is a combination of tyrosine, selenium, manganese, guggul, and ashwaganda.*


    The amino acid tyrosine is the central molecule of thyroid hormone (four iodine molecules are attached to one tyrosine to make T4). It is essential for thyroid hormone formation. Supplemental tyrosine is well known to promote brain activation, mental clarity, and better mood.*

    Tyrosine converts to a key sympathetic nerve neurotransmitter with the help of vitamin B6 and vitamin C. This neurotransmitter is the primary stimulus for your subconscious brain (hypothalamus and pituitary) to activate the production of thyroid hormone in the first place (TRH and TSH).*

    Brain levels of leptin act as a traffic cop, controlling neurotransmitters, and regulating the production of thyroid hormone. Many nerves are also wired directly to the thyroid gland and the stimulation of these nerves with tyrosine derived neurotransmitters acts as a catalyst to get the thyroid moving.

    The Need for Antioxidants

    Most people do not realize that the natural process of making and activating thyroid hormone is highly oxidative, meaning a lot of free radicals are made even when the thyroid is running normally. Once the thyroid starts to struggle, the increase in free radicals and related inflammatory signals (like TNFa and IL6) is significant and may induce stressful wear-and-tear on metabolic processes.

    Free radicals are neutralized by antioxidants. If your antioxidant reserves are depleted, your thyroid function must slow down or there will be too much metabolic friction and health-deteriorating inflammation. Unfortunately, the modern diet is lacking in antioxidants and other nutrients needed to support thyroid health.

    Key nutrients that facilitate thyroid-related antioxidant function are selenium and manganese.*

    Selenium is Vital to Thyroid Function

    Selenium is highly concentrated in the thyroid gland, more so than in any other organ in the human body, indicating its vital need in normal thyroid function. It acts as an antioxidant that protects the thyroid gland, a cofactor nutrient that facilitates the production of thyroid hormone, and as a nutrient that is required to facilitate the conversion of T4 to T3 (triiodothyronine, active thyroid hormone that works inside cells to set the pace of metabolism).*

    Selenium combines with the sulfur-containing amino acid cysteine to make a special protein known as selenocysteine, a selenoprotein. There are 30 selenoproteins that are currently identified, mostly involving the antioxidant defense system and thyroid function.*

    The selenium-containing antioxidant enzymes are known as glutathione peroxidases (GSH). Six different GSH enzymes have now been identified; helping to protect the inside of cells, the GI tract, the reproductive system, and operating in fluids between cells. GSH enzymes are vital to maintaining normal health. They are now proven to protect the thyroid gland during thyroid hormone formation.*

    The formation of thyroid hormone occurs on cell membranes of thyroid cells known as thyrocytes. This process requires selenium as a cofactor nutrient. During this process the enzyme thyroid peroxidase (TPO) prepares iodine for attachment to tyrosine to form thyroid hormone. The normal activity of TPO generates tremendous numbers of free radicals within the thyroid gland in the form of H2O2 and lipid peroxides. These must be deactivated by GSH enzymes, otherwise the production of thyroid hormone stresses and inflames the thyroid gland. This can easily result in a reduced rate of thyroid hormone formation. Its like trying to run on a sprained ankle, except it is a sprained thyroid.*

    Selenoproteins also act in various ways to change T4 into T3 (active thyroid hormone) and reverseT3 (which inactivates T3). Three main selenoproteins activate and inactivate thyroid hormone, known as D1, D2, and D3.*

    Selenoprotein D1 is the primary activator of thyroid hormone for your body, working mostly in the liver and to some degree in the kidneys. Selenoprotein D2 is active in the thyroid gland, brain, nerves, and heart. It plays the primary role in thyroid activation in the brain under normal conditions, and produces thyroid hormone for the rest of the body under stressed conditions. Selenoprotein D3 is mostly a brake on thyroid hormone activity, turning off active hormone.*

    When your body starts to run low on selenium the activation of thyroid hormone by D1 may drop by 90%. Your body compensates by turning on the back up system, using the D2 enzyme to maintain active thyroid hormone. The problem with this back up system running for any great length of time is that is causes significantly increased production of free radicals. Even worse, the lack of selenium already handicapped the primary antioxidant that protects the thyroid gland and liver, GSH. Thus, selenium deficiency forces the body into a very uncomfortable metabolic coping strategy that eventually leads to slower metabolism, increased oxidative stress, and wear and tear to the thyroid gland and liver.*

    Warming Up and Energizing

    Thyroid hormone acts in cells to set the basal metabolic rate. When this is working properly cells burn calories, producing 65% energy and 35% heat. This results in a good energy level as well as normal body temperature. The brain is especially sensitive to thyroid hormone function, thus a tired head feeling, especially in the afternoon, is a key sign energy is not being produced adequately.*

    Many nutrition-related factor inside cells determine if energy and heat are made properly. Energy and heat production take place in the mitochondria of cells. Think of them as the car engine of the cell. Think of thyroid hormone as the idling speed of the engine. If the idling speed is too low the engine may backfire or conk out, resulting in fatigue and poor metabolism.*

    Daily Energy Multiple Vitamin, Iosol Iodine, and Thyroid Helper® are frequently taken together to provide basic nutritional support for thyroid hormone and for cell engines. The goal is to get energy going in the morning and keep it going through the day, especially in the late afternoon. Some people find that taking a Thyroid Helper® and Daily Energy Multiple Vitamin in the afternoon helps keep their head awake and energy level maintained through this often difficult period of the day.*

    Manganese, a Thyroid and Liver Protector

    Manganese has long been known as the anti-pear nutrient. New science is showing the vital role of manganese in liver function, fat metabolism, and liver anti-oxidant status. This relates to thyroid hormone activation, as most activation occurs on cell membranes in the liver. If the liver is suffering from excessive free radical stress, then cell membranes are not as functional and the activation of thyroid hormone may become distressed.*

    Manganese is a mineral that is required to form a special antioxidant enzyme called manganese-dependent superoxide dismutase (MnSOD). It is a key part of the cell engine's antioxidant defense system that enables the cell engine to produce energy and heat efficiently. Poor function of this enzyme reduces the ability of cells to make energy and heat.*

    MnSOD is now found to be a primary protector of the thyroid hormone. This enzyme naturally rises as thyroid hormone activity is increased, acting as a protective buffer to support increased metabolic rate. If this enzyme, or the selenium-dependent GSH are lacking, then activation of thyroid hormone generates friction and stress in the form of excessive free radicals. This results in wear and tear to the thyroid gland, liver, and nerves.* A lack of manganese is clearly associates with reduced function of thyroid hormone in the body.*

    Supports Healthy Fat Metabolism and Blood Sugar Function

    New science has shown that as free radical stress increases, due to lacking GSH and MnSOD activity, fat begins to accumulate in the liver, generating further free radical stress in the form of damaged fats, known as lipid peroxides. This makes a stressed metabolic situation worse. Once this happens a person is more likely to struggle with weight loss.*

    Recent discoveries show that this free radical issue stresses normal blood sugar function in the liver. As the liver and thyroid become inefficient, the problems play off each other like a chicken and egg proposition.*

    Since Thyroid Helper® enhances the function of antioxidant enzymes, normal blood sugar function and liver-related fat metabolism are supported.*

    Guggul A True Friend of Healthy Thyroid Function

    Thyroid Helper® includes the Ayurvedic herb called Commiphora mukul, known as guggul. The thyroid stimulating properties of guggul have been reported for the past twenty years. Animal studies show it works partly by stimulating thyroid hormone production and partly by increasing liver antioxidant status.*

    The active component in this herb is gugglesterone. Intense research is now being conducted with gugglesterones as they have been found to naturally regulate a gene receptor called farnesoid X receptor (FSX). As it turns out, FSX specifically turns on and off fat burning in the liver.*

    The rate of bile flow is also regulated by the FSX. Gugglesterones have been shown to help the FSX receptor pump bile more efficiently, helping to clear LDL cholesterol, triglycerides, and toxins.*

    Gugglesterones have been used in traditional Ayurvedic medicine in India for several thousand years to help weight management. Any nutrient that enhances the burning of fat will at least have an indirect benefit to thyroid function, since obesity itself is a major stress to the thyroid gland.*

    Ashwagandha, the Stress-Busting Thyroid Booster

    Ashwagandha is another Ayurvedic herb that has been used for thousands of years to boost stress tolerance and generally rejuvenate the body. It has been shown to enhance thyroid hormone levels by directly working as an antioxidant that reduces the amount of lipid peroxides forming in the liver.*

    A variety of animal experiments show that ashwagandha helps maintain normal antioxidant function even during intentionally induced stress trauma, not only boosting antioxidant protection but also reducing the amount of cortisol that is released in response to stress. When excess cortisol is combined with poor thyroid function, it is a recipe for weight gain especially around the abdominal area.*

    Studies show that ashwagandha supports normal antioxidant enzymes, such as GSH, so they don't have to work so hard. This has a sparing effect on selenium, thus supporting healthy thyroid function. Living in a high-stress world, ashwagandha is another helpful nutrient to offset the demands and wear of living.*

    Start Feeling Better!

    What are you waiting for?! Give your thyroid the right nutrients for healthy function and feel better! Improve your energy, mood, and metabolism with the highest quality nutrients your thyroid is craving!*

    Also see the Thyroid and Metabolism health topic.

    Ingredients & Directions

    Directions: Take 1-2 capsules, up to three times per day.
    Take before meals or between meals. Take up to 6 per day for more thyroid support.*

    Supplement Facts

    Serving Size: 2 capsules

    Amount Per Serving% Daily Value
    Selenium (from Selenium SeLECT® L-selenomethionine)150 mcg210
    Manganese (from picolinate)2 mg100
    L-Tyrosine400 mg*
    Sensoril® Ashwagandha
       (Withania somnifera) (root and leaf) (standardized to 10% withanolide glycosides)
    500 mg*
       (Commiphora mukul) (guggul gum resin)
       (standardized to 2.5% guggulsterones)
    600 mg*

    * Daily Value not established.

    Other Ingredients: cellulose capsule and rice hulls.

    This product does NOT contain: milk, egg, fish, gluten, corn, peanuts, crustacean shellfish, soybeans, tree nuts, wheat, or yeast. This product does NOT contain hidden fillers, preservatives, artificial sweeteners, colors or flavors, or sugar.

    Thyroid Helper® is a registered trademark of Wellness Resources, Inc.  Gugulipid® and Selenium SeLECT® are registered trademarks of Sabinsa Corp. Sensoril® is a registered trademark of Natreon, Inc.

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